
I hate the idea of apologizing for being diabetic. It’s like apologizing for being a woman, or being short, or being black.

Diabetes has taken more from me than anyone in my life. This condition that I refuse to control me was already a contributing factor in taking my life once.

It has turned my son’s life upside down and I get to be his mentor to guide him through this minefield way of life.

We are set adrift on this raft that we christened the HSS Diabetes Mellitus. We search for the island of normalcy, but we must endure the squalls of ignorance and indifference.

There is no explanation that will satisfy the healthy. The concept of our malady is inconvenient at best.

It takes a bad day or a really bad low blood sugar to bring me to this place. It’s no longer my lone cross to bear, but how I wish it was.

Published by: mamarrissette

I have always had a passion for writing, even before I knew it! New Breed and my other horror stories have been a labor of love and the characters are like family to me. I am also writing for my Christian Faith. Please enjoy which ever genre appeals to you.

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